Wednesday, 19 January 2011

windows & walls

                                             Yesterday the sky was naked, 
                                              today she's wrapped herself in grey,
                                              And I have cloaked myself in my hat 

                                               and coat and dreams.
                                               So for now I am safe from the cold 

                                               whatever today brings. 

                                                An extract from Robin Grey's song Shakers & Shudders*

                                                *Jointly written and recorded with Beth Darti in about an hour.

Tuesday, 18 January 2011


                                                                        I like to wash,
                                                                        the dust of this world
                                                                        In the droplets of dew.

                                                                                                       Matsuo Basho

Sunday, 16 January 2011

Alan comes back...

Below, the final version of my book project: a photographic diary documenting a one year educational journey of a boy called Alan...

Thursday, 13 January 2011


               bluish, adjective - somewhat blue...
               Also, blueish.
            blu·ish·ness, noun

Sunday, 9 January 2011

5 rhythms: Stillness


            Disease is inertia.  Healing is movement.  If you put the body in motion,
            you will change. 
            You are meant to move: from flowing to staccato, through chaos into lyrical
            and back into the stillness from which all movement comes...

                                                                                                                                             Gabrielle Roth

Saturday, 8 January 2011

Belgrade, Belgrade...

Poetry often enters through the window of irrelevance.
                                                                                          M.C. Richards



home, sweet home...


                     I am creating my own reality everyday.
                                                                      Shakti Gawain

Friday, 7 January 2011


                        ...Childhood memories are sweet
                        as sugar floss.
                        Was careless to climb trees,
                         pick poppies,
                         build sandcastles.
                         Round in circles,
                         riding on my yellow bike.
                         Waiting for the ice-cream mann
                          to stop by.
                          Who lives now in our house?
                          Does the ice-cream man
                          whose face I still remember,
                          play the same melody?
                          Time never lasts
                           but memories are still alive.
                           Picture of the past
                           in fated pastles.
                           Street from my childhood
                           where everything was new.
                             Aga Zaryan, Cherry Tree Avenue 

Tuesday, 4 January 2011



                                    I'm Juliet
                                    I'm 23
                                    I once touched love
                                    it had the bitter taste
                                    of black coffee
                                    it quickened my heartbeat
                                    my living body
                                    rocked my senses
                                    it left

                                    I'm Juliet
                                    high up on a balcony
                                    I cry come back
                                    I call come back
                                    biting my lips
                                    I draw blood
                                    It hasn't come back
                                     I'm Juliet
                                     a thousand years old
                                     alive -

                                     H. Poswiatowska


Sunday, 2 January 2011

Movement in red

Project statement  
The grass doesn’t want anything from me, it rises to its own purpose, 
and sweetly following the single holy dictum: 
to be itself, to let the sky be the sky, to let a young girl be a young girl freely – 
to let a middle-aged woman be, comfortably, a middle-aged woman.                                                                                                                                   Mary Oliver

A Movement in red series is inspired by my passion for 5 rhythms movement practice; it forms a part of a bigger entity called Movement Project.
In the presented series, in the course of one day, I and my friend – Ewelina, were exploring the possibilities of capturing movement, including shadows, shapes and colour, into the photographic frame.

My explorations in the 5 rhythms landscape I began over three years ago. At the time I was about completing an Introduction to Transpersonal Studies course. The course inspired me to dive into a field of the therapeutic bodywork and thereby to find a way to process my own creative blocks I was experiencing back then on a very frequent basis; I got to a point where I did not know any more how to approach my documentary practice. It was a quite difficult and uncomfortable place to be: a moment when I realised that my passion for documentary film needed to take on a different shape and I did not know at all how to deal with it.

Looking back at the first 5 rhythms dance classes I attended, it was not easy for me to find a connection to my body and to explore how I relate to it and to its particular parts. At the time “my head” was in charge, always ready to give solutions on how I “should” move my body. Over the time – despite of moments of resistance and frustration – I developed a strong sense of commitment to the practice.
This is how, gradually, I started to shift from a restricted and controlled movement to an exploration of my
 body and its movements.
 This is, too, how I found my way to speak through images again and thereby regained my - temporarily lost - documentary perception: I learnt to see my documentary practice in a broader context, that means - not restricted any more by my preconceptions about what kind of documentary filmmaker I “should” be or how my career as a documentary filmmaker “should” look like.
Instead, I started to look at my everyday in a more mindful way what, in turn, led me to the new documentary endeavours.

A Movement in red series is one of them.

In the picture: Ewelina Jendrzejczak


5 rhythms: lyrical

Postcards From Bosnia